

I have been working with an amazing client who is highly enlightened, curious and wise.  He has experienced a history of physical abuse and carried heavy judgments against his abuser.  Because of his exposure to abuse, he had been committed to a path of enlightenment for many years.  He had collected several mystical experiences, a lot of interesting information and a reluctant willingness to do the necessary work to release him from the scars of his abusive past.

In spite of all the work he had done and the many ways he had forgiven himself, his abuser and everyone involved in the abusive situation, he was still experiencing an energetic of resistance that seemed beyond himself and his comprehension.

We worked together for many months observing his inner experiences, acknowledging the inner voices, developing mechanisms for observation, clarifying limitations and reframing his beliefs towards loving acceptance.

His devoted and diligent work allowed him to connect inwardly with the energetics of resistance to the point that he was made aware of some memories which he described as “past life time experiences”.

Each memory carried that same energetic of resistance within a different scenario.  Those memories brought him much confusion.  It was a lot of information to absorb which made him overwhelmed at first.

During our coaching session, he was supported to dive deep into each memory and bring forward the forgivenesses necessary to balance the scenarios in those memories.

After forgiveness, he tapped into a sense of profound gratitude for the experiences presented in each scenario because they allowed him to know more deeply the energetic of resistance which he now felt he could release.


Forgiveness allowed him a level of revelation in which he recognized the purposefulness of each memory and how they contributed to the achievement of this point in his existence, where so much was revealed, so he could come more completely to an experience of infinite compassion and gratitude.

The sense of compassion and gratitude was so palpable during our session that I myself, as the coach, experienced an indescribable reverence for this amazing unfolding that was taking place in front of me.

The session ended with a quiet and incomprehensible sense of pure ecstasy.

My wish for everyone, including myself, is that we all forgive everything in this lifetime and in others, so that we can come to the revelation of the perfect design of our existences.

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