
Answers and Possibilities from Inely Cesna

It all started at the age of seven….

playing in the kitchen, where an old blackboard hung from under the window with chalks of many colors. Every day, I stood next to the old blackboard drawing, writing, explaining and answering questions from an attentive imaginary audience.

My intention then, although I didn’t uncover it until much later, was the same as it is today:

to offer valuable, applicable, effective, and transformational service.

I became a lawyer and enjoyed a beautiful 15-year long international career as an attorney. It brought me more success than I could have ever foreseen, but I did not experience my services as transformational as I had once imagined.

Then, everything changed…

Motherhood changed everything for me. My most unconditional love, my greatest consciousness of service and my deepest caring surfaced during motherhood together with my biggest fears, my darkest criticisms, and my scariest issues. Motherhood, combined with a marriage that felt to me like it would break apart, and a chronic bleeding health condition made me question myself, my choices and my life in profound ways.

Life eventually traps us in a corner of reflection.

And, if you’re reading this, you may have been pondering:

  • Is this the life I want for myself?
  • What is my ultimate potential and how can I fulfill it?
  • What does life want to express through me?
  • What is the reason of my being here?
  • How can I be more of what I love?
  • How can I serve in a more joyful way?
  • What is the success I want to achieve?
Inely Cesna Coaching Reflection

Believe me, I get it! It is easy to get lost trying to find ourselves. Often, our own confusion and negativity somatically manifest in the body as disease and take many people into a downward spiral.

But, the good news is you are not like ‘many people’. If you are reading this,

You are seeking answers and possibilities. You’re ready to…

Answers and Possibilities from Inely Cesna
  • Take leadership of your life and direct it towards your dreams;
  • Uncover what’s holding you back;
  • Receive the blessings and success that are available to you;
  • Adopt a perspective that supports your success;
  • Embody understanding, love, and enthusiasm as a way of being;
  • Be the change you want to see;
  • Become all you can be!

Wherever you are on your life’s journey, I’m in your corner.

For five years, I have been coaching people in many aspects of their lives. As a minister and a spiritual psychologist, my service ultimately leads to a greater experience of love as the ultimate success.

Through leadership, I have found meaning in my marriage, in motherhood, in my work, my family and friends. Through leadership coaching, I support you in finding yours.  It takes leadership to harness the courage to be who you truly are. It takes leadership to live love!

My goal is to make as easy as possible for you to experience a life of grace and success!

Answers and Possibilities from Inely Cesna

What People Are Saying About Inely

Inely is one of the most loving and wise souls I’ve met. She is brilliance, kindness, wisdom and beauty all wrapped up in one. Add a law degree, a master’s in spiritual psychology, a doctorate in divinity and multiple coaching credentials and you have a power house!

~ Jeremiah Krieger 21 August 2019

You have changed my way of thinking. Your passion and clear sense of mission were what I enjoyed most about your program. Working with you, I watched the tears well up in your eyes out of compassion for me. I was moved. You cannot fake that. And there is no mistake that you are on a mission to help people, but only if they are ready to help themselves. You are truly an exceptional human being and your best sales tools are your own enthusiasm, selflessness. and compassion. You know that “one more dollar” will not do it, which is something difficult to understand unless you have been in the position of having “one more dollar” and witnessed, first hand, that money cannot buy happiness. Your selfless dedication is also displayed by the fact that you have no need to be of service: in other words, it would be easier for you to not undertake a mission so fraught with angst and simply travel or paint. A lot easier.

~ G.B.B. 25 June 2019.

Inely Cesna

My education includes:

  • Doctorate Degree in Spiritual Sciences with Advanced Ministerial Studies;
  • Masters Degrees:
    • Spiritual Sciences
    • Spiritual Psychology
    • Intellectual Property Law; and
    • Alternative Dispute Resolution (candidacy);
  • A Specialization in Consciousness, Health & Healing
  • One year certification in Soul-Centered Professional Coaching
  • Peace Awareness Trainings
  • Center For Creative Leadership
  • The Aspen Institute Executive Seminar
  • The Excellence in Speaking Institute
  • Bachelor and Juris Doctor in Law

I studied in a variety of schools: Peace Theological Seminary & College of Philosophy, University of Santa Monica, Pepperdine University, University of New Hampshire, George Mason University, and University of Sao Paulo.

My Vision

Be enriched and inspired while offering valuable, applicable, effective, and transformational service with grace and ease.

My Mission

Provide the highest service for
the highest good.

My Values

  • Inspiration
  • Enthusiasm
  • Service
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