The Source Within

The Source Within

Source Within

John, a fictitious named client who permitted me to share his learning,  left his high paying and over-demanding corporate job because he was failing to meet the results the company expected of him. He was deeply dissatisfied with the job and also felt unfulfilled in his relationships.

He went through tremendous financial challenges being unable to pay his rent for many months and letting go of his health insurance to cut down expenses. He was living in fear of being evicted and getting seriously ill.

Our coaching relationship started soon after he left his corporate job. He knew he needed a new direction in life in order to live his dream of manifesting wealth while working in an uplifting and motivating environment.

He demonstrated an incredible work ethic in our coaching relationship. He was disciplined, devoted, and committed. Many of our sessions were dedicated to the expression of his frustrations and negativity. He often felt victimized by his childhood abandonment issues, the abusive corporate environment, and the declining economic and political conditions of his country.

In spite of his attempts to work on several different jobs, none seemed to satisfy his dreams. Each attempt would end in illness in the body, which sometimes left him bedridden and unable to stand up and perform daily activities. One part of him felt it needed to push it through in order to make money, while the other part of him refused to make money by pushing it through.

Our coaching was focused on developing a healthy relationship with money, taking responsibility for his circumstances, and owning his emotional states. It was difficult for him to see that he was the source of his circumstances, and that his experiences in the world were a reflection of the reality within his thoughts and emotions. Through coaching, he felt supported in doing the difficult work of looking in the mirror of life and recognizing that what he saw was a reflection of his own consciousness.

Our first big win manifested early in our coaching relationship.  It was the restoring of his relationship with his mother, which had been lost more than two decades prior. His mother’s unconditional love became more present in his life in ways that had never been possible since his early teenager years. We had done profound forgiveness work regarding his relationship with his mother, and it all pay off with the sweetness of her return.

Our second big win happened about three months into our coaching relationship. He started offering workshops and meditation circles to his friends. As he gave to others that way, he also gave to himself the opportunity of creating a discipline that involved the consistent practice of these activities and, thus, he made self-nurturing a daily part of his routine.

Six months into our coaching relationship, a third and huge win manifested. He received a high-paying job offer from a multinational agency who had rejected him in the past, but had since created a new position that would pay him more money and offer him more benefits.

This opportunity to return to the corporate environment tested all the heartfelt coaching work we had done on the forgiveness of judgments, reframing, and clearing the negativity from his past corporate experience. He wanted to ensure it was clear inside of him to go back to the corporate world; and he was honoring all the parts and voices inside of him, instead of just pushing it through like he had habitually done in the past.

He decided to take on the job and, within a couple of weeks, he was entrusted with the opportunity to hire two new employees of his choice to develop and manage a new project. He hired two people he knew well and created a team that felt intimate, inspiring and uplifting as he had always dreamed of.

Recently, he has been looking at the source of these positive events inside of him and accepting these positive outcomes as reflections of the inner work he had done during prior months.

He recognizes now, more clearly than ever before, how life matches his own inner frequency; and, in doing so, life presents back to him the reflection of what he harbors inside. He has begun to recognize the order underneath his previous feelings of chaos; the many opportunities for forgiveness; the benefits of observing, listening to and learning from all parts of himself while accepting them unconditionally; the upliftment of identifying more and more as the narrator of his life, rather than the characters performing the roles.

He has begun to integrate his life experiences and recognize how they had all been relevant for his learning, his growth and his connection with an inner place  of overwhelming gratitude for his creation.

As a coach, I am humbled to partake of this sacred moment and rejoiced in the upliftment of witnessing the mysterious perfection of creation revealing itself.

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