Showing posts from: Inspirational



Everyone suffers, complains, despairs about that which they don’t like or don’t agree or wished it was different in this world. Listen here everyone: when God created the world, he said” It’s very GOOD”. He did not say it’s fun, fair, beautiful, perfect, “as you wish”, or any of that. He said, clearly and loudly: […]

Open to receive

Open To Receive

What does it mean to be open to receive? It is certainly not the sense of entitlement my ego knows well. It is the gracious gratitude of a warm embrace by the comforting morning sun. It is the gentle look of a cute puppy when caressed by my loving hand. It is the serenity of […]



Receiving is the foundation of life. By receiving life, I am born By receiving the breath, I am alive. By receiving the sun, the rain, I am sustained. By receiving others, I know myself By receiving, I am!

The God Within Me

The God Within Me

I have always wondered how come the God of the Old testament is judgmental, punishing with floods, wars, destruction, killing the wicked; while the God of the New Testament is loving, patient, unconditionally filled with grace? Why would God change? Did God evolve or change His mind? A supreme God wouldn’t have to change. It […]

When God Is Present

When God Is Present

When God speaks, there is peace. When God speaks, there is clear sense of direction. When God shows, there is revelation in the inner eyes. When it’s God’s time, there is flow, synchronicity. When God is present, there is nothing else.

Am I Really What They Say?

Am I What They Say?

What would have been of us if, at the moment of crucifixion, Christ doubted himself? What if he had wondered if he was really a criminal? After all, he was being crucified as one, in between two other criminals. Doubt did not enter His consciousness because he was filled with compassionate forgiveness: “Forgive them, Father, […]

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