Showing posts from: Client Stories

Source Within

The Source Within

The Source Within John, a fictitious named client who permitted me to share his learning,  left his high paying and over-demanding corporate job because he was failing to meet the results the company expected of him. He was deeply dissatisfied with the job and also felt unfulfilled in his relationships. He went through tremendous financial challenges […]

Selective Hearing

Selective Hearing

Selective Hearing One of my clients, who I will name Mary for purposes of this article, told me about a small voice inside saying words of wisdom, which she chose to ignore because they did not match the direction she was determined to take.  She found out later that the direction she chose did not serve her well.  […]

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Who Am I? One of my clients arrived for his session feeling deeply disturbed.  His circumstances were such that he had lost all his belongings, was living with someone as a favor, had separated from his spouse and was experiencing disease in his body. He was also infuriated by his perception that others did not […]



Forgiveness I have been working with an amazing client who is highly enlightened, curious and wise.  He has experienced a history of physical abuse and carried heavy judgments against his abuser.  Because of his exposure to abuse, he had been committed to a path of enlightenment for many years.  He had collected several mystical experiences, […]

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