

Everyone suffers, complains, despairs
about that which they don’t like or don't agree or wished it was different in this world.
Listen here everyone:
when God created the world,
he said” It’s very GOOD”.
He did not say it’s fun, fair, beautiful, perfect, “as you wish”, or any of that.
He said, clearly and loudly: “It’s very good”
Why did He say so?
Because goodness is the intention in all creation.
Whether you like it or not, agree with it or not, wish it or not…
Who cares?
None of that matters, not even a bit.
With all due respect to your sense of self-importance,
God couldn't care less about your opinion.
It is your job to care about God’s “opinion”;
and he has only one opinion: “It’s Good”.
Now, it is your responsibility to find the goodness in everything, in everyone;
whatever, whoever is in front of you,
find the goodness;
do not waste any opportunity to find the goodness.
Don’t go around it, turn your back to it, pretend it is not there;
or even worse, keep looking back, or imagining it forward.
Just go through it,
in the moment, right here, right now.
Look, search, seek until you find goodness as it was originally intended.

Because finding goodness is finding God.

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