The God Within Me

The God Within Me

I have always wondered

how come the God of the Old testament is judgmental, punishing
with floods, wars, destruction, killing the wicked;
while the God of the New Testament is loving, patient, unconditionally filled with grace?
Why would God change?
Did God evolve or change His mind?
A supreme God wouldn’t have to change.

It has finally dawned on me:
the Bible is a mirror of my consciousness.
I was born as one in God.
At some point, I was introduced to judgments, punishments.
I started to feel separated, thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
I became possessive, jealous, territorial.
I grew with commandments of right and wrong,
beautiful and ugly, good and bad.
I entered the inevitable consciousness of duality,
which every human being eventually embraces.
I became the dominant God of the Old Testament.
I destroyed myself emotionally numerous times with broken hearts,
betrayed friendships, looking for my identity out in the world.
After fears and pains, I finally learned an easier path: the way of Christ.
The path of love, grace, forgiveness.
I became the New Testament.

Now I know why God changes throughout the Bible.
Because the Bible tells the story of the God within me.

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