The Leadership Program Confirmation

The Leadership Program

Hosted by Inely Cesna & Mike Murphy

Congratulations to you for saying yes!

Thank you for your payment


7052 Dume Drive, Malibu CA 90265

  • Coming north on PCH
  • Turn left on Heathercliff Rd
  • Turn first left on Dume Dr
  • Look for the mailboxes numbered 7048, 7050 and 7052 on the left side of the street
  • You can not see the house from the street
  • Enter the long driveway named Kane Lane
  • Our house is the first house on the right

Please park inside our front gate or on the right side of the driveway as you drive into the house.   Please disregard the “No Parking” signs on the fence and make sure you do not park near the turn of the driveway. 

Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early, taking into account things like transportation and weather, so you can get settled and connect with other participants.

Dress is casual and comfortable, keeping in mind the temperature in Malibu is usually lower than in the valley. 

Light snacks and beverages will be provided before, during and after the workshop.   Please be mindful NOT to bring food or open drink containers into the workshop room.

Please no alcoholic drinks or mind-altering substances prior and during the workshop.   The more present and grounded you are, the more you will gain from your participation.

Do your best to give yourself the gift of a few hours of the day to be present for the workshop, for yourself and your vision.   Let people in your life know that you will not be available during the workshop hours.

It’s been so much fun creating the content for this amazing event.  It will be powerful and transformative. 

Watch out for further communication from us. We are looking forward to serving you!

If you have any questions, please let me know.  See you soon!


Inely Cesna

703 967 1799

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